Recipes & Catering based in North Georgia

Raymond Smith is a Gainesville, Georgia based food enthusiast and caterer. Chopin Entertains offers recipes, food blogging, and catering services in North Georgia.


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European elegance meets Southern Charm cuisine

Sour Cream Pecan Waffles
5 (2)

June 7, 2021

When my mother made pancakes or waffles on the weekend, I always thought it was a special occasion.  I love pancakes but I really love waffles.  My sister still has the waffle iron she used!  […]

Bacon, Cheese and Tomato Panini
3 (2)

June 6, 2021

Milena rented a house at Cape May, NJ for the summer one year and invited me down for the weekend.  I had never been to Cape May and was excited to visit one of the […]

1000 Island Dressing
5 (2)

June 4, 2021

When I was a youngster and went out to dinner with my parents, my mother always ordered Roquefort dressing on her salad and my dad ordered 1000 Island.  Fast forward years and I was watching […]

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Get to know Raymond, Culinary Enthusiast & Caterer

Raymond Smith is a North Georgia native, and has spent over 20 years cooking delicious meals and catering special events. He's a food enthusiast, entertainer, and loves all things food and hosting.


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