Casserole of Sweet Vidalias
3 (2)

My friend Veran gave me a bag of Vidalia onions. Vidalias are a sweet onion historically grown in the town of Vidalia, Georgia and is Georgia’s official state vegetable. The state legislature even passed the “Vidalia Onion Act of 1986” which authorized a trademark for “Vidalia Onions” and limits the production area to certain counties in Georgia. It is a serious onion. Unless you are from the South, you may not be able to pronounce it correctly (vye-DAYL-yə), but we love you anyway.

Then my friend Nancy told me about a recipe in Perennials for a Vidalia Onion Casserole. Perennials is a cookbook published in 1984 by the Junior Service League of Gainesville and my mother gave me one hot-off-the-press. I have to hold it together with a big rubber band now – that is how much I have used it – and I was thrilled when I found the Vidalia recipe by Jane Eve Fair Wilheit, the mother of my high-school classmate Eve. It is easy to prepare and oh so delicious. Here is her recipe.

¼ cup unsalted butter

7 medium Vidalia onions, sliced

½ cup uncooked rice

5 cups of boiling water

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup slivered Jarlsberg cheese or Swiss cheese

2/3 cup half-and-half or evaporated milk

Melt butter in heavy skillet. Sauté onions in butter until soft and transparent, stirring frequently. Cook rice in boiling salted water 5 minutes. Drain well. Blend rice with onions, cheese, and half-and-half. Put into greased shallow baking dish. Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour.

I hope you will try this. I do not think Mrs. Wilheit would mind if you put buttered breadcrumbs on top. YUM! Enjoy.

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