Chicken Noodle Soup
4.8 (4)

When I was a boy feeling puny (that is what my mother called it), she would serve me chicken noodle soup. Chicken noodle soup has been around since people learned how to boil water. It is renowned for relieving colds and nourishing pregnant women, and several studies have confirmed that it helps to unblock congested noses and throats. Jewish penicillin, as it is known in some circles, also seems to warm the soul. I am a believer in its healing powers, so when two of my dear friends were feeling puny, I decided to make them chicken noodle soup. It is savory, wholesome and delicious. And easy to make. Here is how I prepare it.

Bring 2 quarts of chicken stock to a simmer and add 1 heaping cup of diced carrots, 1 heaping cup of diced celery, 1 bay leaf, and 3 cups of extra wide egg noodles. Simmer until the noodles are cooked – about 10 minutes – then stir in 2 ½ – 3 cups of cooked chopped chicken, ¼ cup of chopped fresh parsley and ¼ cup of heavy cream. Heat through then add a splash of brandy. Taste for salt and pepper and remove the bay leaf before ladling into bowls.

Whether you are puny or not, this classic soup can be made anytime. I hope you will try it. Enjoy!

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