Chopin’s Potato Salad
5 (1)

Southerners are serious about their potato salad.  I was at a funeral once and the eulogist said, “Miss Mae made the best potato salad”.  And the Baptist church I use to attend put together a committee to decide who would bring the potato salad for the annual lunch on the grounds.  That is serious.

I would not begin to compete with Miss Mae or the Baptist church so the potato salad I make is a little simpler but still very tasty.  I made it for a friend who was visiting for the weekend once and she woke up in the middle of the night and raided the refrigerator.  The next morning the potato salad was gone!  That is serious too.

Like Miss Mae and the lucky person at the Baptist Church, making this potato salad relies more on your personal taste and ‘feel’ than exact measurements. You need red skinned potatoes, sour cream, red wine vinegar and chives.  And that is it!

Cut 3 – 4 potatoes (leave the skin on) and add them to a pot.  Cover with water by about an inch, add a pinch of salt and bring to a boil.  When they start boiling, reduce to a simmer and cook for 20 minutes or until fork tender.  Drain and return the potatoes to the hot pot to dry.  When cool, place in another bowl and refrigerate until cool.  When ready to serve, stir in enough sour cream to coat the potatoes, a splash of red wine vinegar, chopped fresh chives and salt and pepper.  Taste and adjust seasonings to your liking.  Enjoy.

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