Fried Okra
5 (3)

I love fried okra.  I remember my grandmother cutting them with a small knife from her garden (you can’t just pick them) and slicing them to fry.  And I remember standing by the stove when my mother was preparing them and eating them like candy as she drained them on paper towels. I was lamenting to my friend Bessie about how I seldom see them in the market, and she said try the frozen ones – they are just as good.  So, I did, and they are! It is one of the few frozen vegetables I usually have in my freezer along with peas, corn, and pearl onions.

The way I prepare it is easier than the way my mother prepared it and I think just as good. I have served it at dinner parties and people love it. There seems to be two camps of fried okra:  battered and breaded. I belong to the latter and here is how I prepare it for 2 people.

Thaw about 2 cups of frozen okra for a few minutes; they don’t have to be completely thawed but they should not be completely frozen. Heat 3 tablespoons of butter in a non-stick skillet.  When melted and bubbly, add the okra and stir. Cook for a few minutes until the okra starts to secrete its juices. Then sprinkle over about 1/3 cup of plain breadcrumbs.  Stir and continue to cook until the breadcrumbs are brown (I like a slight crunch to the okra).  Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve.

This could not be easier.  Plus, it gives you another green vegetable alternative. Enjoy!

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5 thoughts

  1. Never used butter. I bet it is richer tasting. Thanks for another idea. I usually oven fry in a cookie sheet using olive oil. Love me some okree!!
    When my daughter had a girl from her 3rd grade class over to spend the night I told them we were having fried okra. She said I never heard of that, so I showed it to her. She said, “Oh that is okree!” I still crack up.

  2. Raymond, I have to brag about this recipe. I believed you when you said it is good. However, I didn’t dream it would be THAT DELICIOUS! I will forever keep frozen cut okra in my freezer. Thank you for sharing this recipe!

  3. I have made twice now for my picky vegetable husband. He loves it and so do I. So much easier than all that breading with flour and cornmeal as my grandmother and mother did. So I also keep some in my freezer at all times. Thanks for the recipe.

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