Iced Berries with Grand Mariner White Chocolate Sauce
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I am a fan of celebrity Chef Nigella Lawson. I love the way she flirts with and seduces the viewer into her kitchen and then woos them with her recipes in an intimate step-by-step description. She has been referred to as “stunningly beautiful, warm, honest, likeable and amazingly normal” as well as having “flawless skin, perfect white teeth, a voluptuous body, ample height and lots of lush, brown hair.” Yes, I am a fan.

I saw her prepare this recipe on one of her cooking shows and was amazed at how easy and decadent it was. Or was I just captivated by Nigella? I tweaked it to my taste and tried it – and yes, it is amazingly easy, decadent, and delicious. Here is how to prepare it.

Scatter frozen berries in a single layer in individual shallow dishes. I used blueberries, raspberries, and cherries this time. I have found frozen whole strawberries do not work as well. Sprinkle a little Grand Mariner over the berries (Nigella used Limoncello). Heat 1 cup of heavy cream and 2 tablespoons of Grand Mariner (Limoncello) in a small saucepan on low. Just before it comes to a boil, add 8 ounces of chopped white chocolate. Do not use chocolate chips but instead high-quality baking chocolate bars that you have finely chopped. Stir until completely incorporated and smooth, ladle over the frozen berries, and serve immediately.

The contrast between the frozen berries and the warm chocolate sauce is what makes this dessert unique. And delicious. I hope you will try it. Enjoy.

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2 thoughts

  1. Oh my goodness, this is Devine! I was fortunate to have this wonderful desert this week and it was so wonderful! I hope to use this recipe soon!

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