Mini Herb Crusted Lamb Roast
5 (1)

A leg of lamb roast is not always practical for 2-3 people. And sometimes you can find a 1-2 pound lamb roast at the market. When you do, this recipe is perfect. Everything cooks on one sheet pan so It is easy enough to prepare for a weeknight. And delicious enough for a special dinner like Valentine’s Day! Here is how I prepare it.

In a small bowl, mix 1 ½ tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of finely minced fresh rosemary, 3 finely minced garlic cloves, ½ cup of Dijon mustard and 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar. Remove the lamb roast from the packaging and pat dry. Spread the mixture on the top and sides of the roast and allow to sit for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile, add ½ pound of halved petite Yukon Gold potatoes, ½ pound of baby carrots and one onion peeled and cut into medium size chunks to a sheet pan. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. With clean hands, mix so all the vegetables are coated and spread out in a single layer. Add a sprig or two of rosemary. When the lamb is ready, place the lamb in the middle of the sheet pan surrounded by the vegetables. Pop into a preheated 375-degree oven.

Timing is important. The vegetables need to roast for about 50 minutes and the lamb needs to roast for about 25 minutes per pound or an internal temperature of 130 degrees for medium rare and a little longer for more well done. It needs to rest for 10 minutes (covered with foil) before carving so schedule your oven time so you can put the vegetables back in to finish cooking while the lamb is resting. Depending on the size of the lamb, you may have to start cooking the vegetables before you add the lamb roast.

And that is it. Crusty French bread and a small salad afterwards followed by a decadent chocolate dessert will show your Valentine how much you love them. Enjoy!

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