Pasta with Breadcrumbs
5 (1)

This is another recipe from my dear friend Milena during my Philadelphia days.  I believe she had it growing up in Yugoslavia.  When I asked her what it is called, she said “poor people’s food”.  I feel anything but poor when I eat it.  I find it delicious and addicting.  And I think it is the perfect side dish for meat, chicken, or pork.

It is so easy to make and takes almost no time; however, making it relies more on your personal taste and ‘feel’ than exact measurements.  Here is how I make it for 4 people.  Prepare ¼ pound of pasta according to package directions.  I prefer bow tie pasta because I think its shape is elegant and there are a lot of little crevices for the breadcrumbs to get captured in.  Meanwhile, heat 3 – 4 tablespoons of butter in a sauté pan over medium low heat.  When it is melted and hot, stir in about ½ cup of plain breadcrumbs.  Stir until the breadcrumbs are golden brown but not burnt.  Drain the pasta, place back in the pot it was cooked in and stir the breadcrumbs over the pasta.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.

That is it!  You will not believe how good it is.  Enjoy!

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