Tomato and Cherry Salad
5 (2)

With cherry season upon us, the cherries at the supermarket look especially lovely. I love fresh cherries and think they look so amatory and elegant displayed in a crystal bowl. I was not sure exactly what I wanted to do with them – I usually just snack on them – but I wanted something different and unique. When I saw how delicious the petite medley tomatoes looked, I had an idea: Tomato and Cherry Salad. Here is how I prepared it.

Slice the petite tomatoes in half and place on a platter. Halve the same number of cherries, remove the pit, and add to the platter. Slice the same amount of burrata mini mozzarella cheese balls in half and add to the platter. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and drizzle with olive oil. Then drizzle balsamic glaze over and finally add julienne basil leaves.

Simple. Unique. Tasty. I hope you will try it. Enjoy.

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